“  Hi Yan, Many thanks for the superb bouquet that you sent me earlier this week! It arrived early the next day so i am extremely thankful to you for prioritising my order. I will definately use your services again in the future, and recomend you to all my friends. I'll let you know how things go on monday. Many thanks again,
Scott Carter
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Specially dyed nylon

New to nylon flowers?

Try our:
Beginners nylon flower making kit

Doll making supplies

Make dolls with nylon

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Categories - Specially dyed nylon
Nylon flower

Packaging and Embellishments Material

Packaging and Embellishments Material
Doll making supplies
Fun craft projects.
Craft ideas

Product highlights - Specially dyed nylon

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Floral embellishments
Small flowers.
Make nylon flowers
with our Beginners kit.
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I found you ages ago and told my daughter about you and she used to buy from you.